Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Music and teenagers free essay sample

Many people get their attitudes, fashions, and way f living in the songs they love to hear. 2. The positive side of listening to music is the listeners are inspired of the music they have heard and it helps them to overcome their melancholy. For others, music is their partner and their life. However, in the negative side, some listeners will develop bad influences and some were emotionally affected by the music. They can feel the sympathy of the lyrics and the worst part is, they will commit suicide. 3. Yes, some teenagers who were addicted to music will have their favorite artist, band, and genre.They will apply it to themselves just like the way of paving of their favorite band. Just like their attitude and most of all their fashion. They will dress up and even talk and walk just like their favorite band. Music is the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unified and continuous composition. We will write a custom essay sample on Music and teenagers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1 In reality, music does not have any concrete meaning. Music has different meanings for different people. Music is unique in each persons life. To a musician, it is their life. Music is their passion.For others, music is a hobby, and a past time. Music is something that arouses interest and is pleasurable. The Casual fan may learn about music, how to read music, how to sing or how to play musical instruments, but they do not have the all uncompromising passion a musician possesses. Music is a mean of relaxation for some, while others simply enjoy listening to the sounds, melodies and rhythms that music brings to their ears, minds, and heart. 2 Music is not often called the universal language. Words may describe times passing but music enacts it for us.. .. Hen this level of musical discourse becomes accessible to you, there is always so much to hear. Because music is reformed unstoppably in time, it will always invoke questions no matter what the style or era. The answers will sometimes be clear; sometimes grey and us beetle; but the pathway to exploring them is concrete and can be done by anyone . These abstract issues can be palpably emotional. Attentive listening leads us to the music inside ourselves. 3 All teenagers love music. Music is a shared bond between teenagers. It gives them an identity, a feeling of belonging to a group. The thing about music is that it sends out an either good or bad message that will have a big impact on kids actions and ideas. Unlike times in the past music is creating a gap and separating kids into groups. Now you can tell if a group Of teenagers listens to rap music or not. Just by the way they walk, talk, and dress. And most Goth and Memo music get kids to cut and try to kill themselves. Crime, drugs, suicides, and teen pregnancy are all influenced by music. 5 Suicide is a theme that is found in the lyrics of many genres of music, including traditional, folk, heavy metal, country and opera.Content analysis of country songs reveals several themes that can foster suicide, including marital trite or dissolution, alcohol abuse, financial strain or being exploited at work, and social isolation. 6 Many people who listen to heavy metal also listen to other types of music. These may also have lyrics concerning suicide, despair or isolation. It would thus be difficult to pinpoint specific genre as being the direct and sole cause of suicide. Lyrics have been taken out of the context of an entire song to support arguments that heavy metal music incites suicide.The way in which an adolescent interprets the lyrics may be the opposite of what the artist has intended. 7 Heavy metal carries on traditional countercultures concerns with social problems, but it departs from earlier rock music that does not offer hope or solutions for solving such problems. 8 Heavy Metal music more often seems to become a problem for adolescents who are already struggling with feelings of alienation. These adolescents may also lack of positive role models, come into repeated conflict with authorities, abuse alcohol and drugs; and have a family history of violence and/or suicide. Far from placing adolescents at risk of suicide, heavy metal music may have protective functions for some. 4% of a sample of male heavy metal fans who were interviewed said that their music served a purgative function, that is it helped to relieve feelings of anger. The music mirrored the emotional volatility brought on by the usual crises and conflicts of adolescence. 10 Music not only affects teenagers but can begin to define them of people and delineate them from others. The type of music you like becomes a critical factor by which the person retains identity. Music becomes the dictator of what clothes you wear, what people you associate with, what people you will hate, sometimes lattice and or moral beliefs you will have. Take for instance people who listen to rap predominantly. Such people will begin to dress in a certain gangs fashion. A person who listens to Goth music might wear all black, paint their finger nails black, enjoy walking in the cemeteries, pretend to be witch or warlocks, and act jaded.The same with people who listens to Memo music, they like to be alone and their feelings will become deeply emotional and sometimes they like to kill themselves. A dude who listens to metal music will largely be defined by the type of metal he or she enjoys most. Music has always been a way of expressing feelings and thoughts. Learning how to sing or play musical instruments helps in a lot of positive ways. Music helps relieve the stress of everyday life. Many people, who play music and listens to music including myself, use it to escape the troubles that we face.Sometime when I feel have some problems or when I am having a bad day, listening to music makes me feel better. I become so wrapped up in the music that I forget everything else. Im sure that other teenagers feel the same way. For most musicians, playing their instrument is much more than a hobby, it is a passion. Therefore, in regards to my topic, whether a person is feeling happy or sad, frustrated or confused, even alone, music is always there a constant in a persons life that he or she can relate to music definitely affects people in many ways, but it does not control a persons actions.

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